In compliance with the duty of information provided in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following general information data of this website are provided below.

The website (hereinafter, “the website”) is operated by:




José Luis de Casso, 58 - 41005 – Sevilla 



Registration in the Mercantile Registry 

Mercantile Registry of Seville Volume 6447, folio 118, page 115447.


Tel: 954009935 / 664596923


Through this Legal Notice, the access, navigation and use of the Website is regulated, as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents (understanding by "Contents" the texts, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, codes, software, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property).

The access, navigation and use of the Website implies the acceptance of each and every one of the clauses that make up the Legal Notice published at all times, for which the User is invited to read the Legal Notice carefully from time to time.

If you do not accept the clauses of this Legal Notice, please refrain from accessing the Website and / or using the services offered through it.

This Legal Notice is not intended to regulate contractual aspects related to the provision of specific services by BENGALA SPAIN, limiting itself to being the legal framework for the use, registration and access of the Website.

BENGALA SPAIN may establish specific Terms and Conditions that regulate the use of specific services offered to Users through the Website, such as making purchases. Before making a purchase, the User must carefully read and accept the corresponding Terms and Conditions.

  1. Website access

Minors are prohibited from accessing the Website and purchasing from its online store. However, BENGALA SPAIN, will not be responsible for those minors who breach said condition. Full responsibility for such access by minors corresponds exclusively to the people of legal age who are in charge of them, so BENGALA SPAIN recommends parents, representatives or legal guardians to supervise or take the appropriate precautions during the Minors browsing the Internet. Registration or prior subscription is not mandatory to browse the Website, but it is required to make a purchase. This provides for a more agile management of both the customer's profile and the orders placed. The treatment of the data provided during registration will be subject to the Privacy Policy. The profile of the registered User will be protected through a password chosen by him. The User agrees to keep his password secret and to protect it from unauthorized use by third parties. The User must notify BENGALA SPAIN immediately of any non-consensual use of his account or any violation of security related to the service of the Website, of which he has become aware.

  1. Use of the website

The User agrees to make a legitimate use of this Website, and undertakes not to use it to carry out activities contrary to the laws, morals and public order. In particular, the User will refrain from:

  • Reproducing or copying, distributing, publicly communicating through any modality, transforming or modifying the Contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Make a commercial use or carry out advertising activities that imply or may suppose a fraud for the receiver, in particular, those that are carried out through the usurpation of the identity of BENGALA SPAIN in the sending of emails or others that have the appearance of being linked to this Website.
  • Provide any personal information of yours or in relation to the use and access to the Website that is false or has been illegally obtained.

In this sense, BENGALA SPAIN reserves the right to interrupt the provision of the information service through this website for those users who contravene the rules and / or guidelines mentioned above and immediately and unilaterally resolve the relationship with the user without the user has the right to claim of any kind for these actions. Likewise, BENGALA SPAIN reserves the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions against those who violate the general conditions of use set out in this Legal Notice, the User accepting that the non-initiation of these actions does not constitute a formal waiver of them, but rather that they They will remain in force during the legal term of prescription of the actions.

In any case, BENGALA SPAIN will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through comments or other blogging or participation tools that may exist. This merchant agrees not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is deemed by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Purchaser, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. Furthermore, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: Sale of tobacco.

  1. Responsibility and guarantees 

BENGALA SPAIN manages the Website diligently and tries at all times to maintain complete and accurate information on all the products it offers, updating it at all times. However, it is possible that, occasionally, there may be a discrepancy between the information offered on this Website and reality. In any case, BENGALA SPAIN is not responsible for such differences, governed at all times by the Terms and Conditions of the sale of the products through the Website.

BENGALA SPAIN undertakes to adopt all appropriate measures to guarantee the correct functioning of the page and to prevent viruses or computer programs that may cause harm to users. However, BENGALA SPAIN does not assume responsibility for:

  • The quality of the internet provider's service, nor the speed of access to the Website, nor the technical, electrical or other problems of the devices used by the user, nor, therefore, the damage caused to the users' equipment. for the use of this Website.
  • The continuity or availability of the Website.

In the event that the Website includes the possibility for Users to include or share content, BENGALA SPAIN will not be responsible:

  • Of the legality, reliability or accuracy of the content shared by users.
  • For the actions, publications or comments that users may make on the Website.
  • For the bad faith actions of third parties that violate the security measures and access the messages or use them to spread a computer virus.

  1. Links

Any link or hyperlink or any link of a similar nature that redirects, from an external page, to our Website without the prior and express consent of BENGALA SPAIN is prohibited.

When you access the links on the Website that redirect you to third-party websites, BENGALA SPAIN cannot be held responsible for the content or the measures adopted therein, since these websites are not operated by our society. We remind you that it is your responsibility to review the legal notices and privacy policies of the websites you visit.

The establishment of any type of link by the Website to another external website does not imply that there is any kind of relationship, collaboration or dependence between BENGALA SPAIN and the person in charge of said website.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The Website incorporates content subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, among others, brands, designs, images, photos, graphic videos, logos, texts and others, whose appearance or content has been created by or for the owner, BENGALA SPAIN by Therefore, its use, transfer, reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication will require the authorization of the owner.

In this sense, all the Contents of the Website mentioned in the previous paragraph, as well as the software, color combination, structure and selection of the ordering criteria are protected by copyright and other industrial property rights and their use or use. Without the required authorization, it may bring legal action against those who reproduce, distribute, transform or communicate all or part of said Contents.

It is possible that third party content may be incorporated into the Website for which BENGALA SPAIN has the corresponding license or assignment. The reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication of said content by third parties will also require authorization from its owner. 

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction 

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish Law, without prejudice to the application of any other regulations issued by the competent authority.

Any discrepancy between the User and BENGALA SPAIN regarding the validity and validity of any provision contained therein will be judicially resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

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