bowlsKali Monster bowl, exclusive to Bengala Spain.
The spectacular new Kali Monster In Crescendo bowl is an improved version of our previous Kali Monster Bowl creation. This marvel, specially designed for heat managers, such as Amy Smoke Box, Oduman Ignis, Fire Flower, heat manager etc, is a revolution in terms of performance.
This combination of muds from different continents with new ingredients make this bowl a progressive performance that is getting better and better. It can even handle changes in carbon and the intensity of the flavor and the smoke increases in crescendo.
Unmatched flavor management, a dense and clear smoke and an impressive duration without spending more than 10 or 12 grams of tobacco. Manufactured on a pottery wheel one by one in an artisanal way and 100% handmade, they guarantee to maintain the quality of the flavor of herbs, tobacco, gels or any product for much longer.
More smoke, more flavor, more duration only with the new Monster In Crescendo range.