- Novedades de Bengala Spain
Parts of a hookah and how it works
The latest trend for Spanish smokers is to sign up for the use of hookahs. The forced closure of the establishments in which these devices were used, together with the ban on smoking on the terraces, has caused many regular users of hookahs to acquire one for their own use. In a kind of domino effect, many smokers who had never used them have had the opportunity to do so for the first time and have joined the trend, which has significantly multiplied the sales of these colorful and practical water pipes. The big question is: why are hookahs so popular with classic cigarette or cigar smokers?
Parts of a hookah
To understand the phenomenon, we first have to understand how a hookah works. Which is impossible to do if we do not know what its main components are:
Obviously, this is where the user smokes. It is connected to the camera by means of a connector either snap or magnetized.
The bowl is placed on top, where the charcoal and the special tobacco-based mixture are placed. This mixture is called molasses, and in addition to tobacco it contains moisturizing substances. You can add all kinds of flavors and aromas. There are also molasses without nicotine. The bowl is connected to the base by a tube immersed in water.
Obviously, this is where the user smokes. It is connected to the camera by means of a connector either snap or magnetized.
Among them are the heat managers, the tweezers (to avoid burns with the coal), or the aluminum sheets (they avoid the combustion of molasses). There are enough accessories to write a booklet.
Operation of a hookah
The operating process is very simple:
- The charcoal is lit to heat the molasses to a very high temperature, but without actually burning it.
- The smoker proceeds to inhale. The pressure difference causes the gases and fumes from the overheating of the molasses to decrease. These gases mix with water, and its temperature drops sharply. This drop in temperature causes the density of the mixture to increase greatly.
- The cooled, high-density gases rise to the surface and are breathed in by the smoker.
Why Classic Smokers Like It So Much
The low temperature and the density of fumes and gases make the smoker's experience incomparable. It has nothing to do with breathing in the smoke from a cigar or cigarette. As there is no combustion, the flavors are sweeter, avoiding the typical burning aftertaste of tobacco. And at the same time, they are more intense because the density is higher. The aroma of the smoke is much more pleasant than that of conventional tobacco and less harmful. Not only that, but molasses can be enriched with aromatic notes to suit the consumer, with which the nuances that can be achieved are almost infinite. And finally, let's point out that hookahs can be used to smoke mixtures of other herbs and tobacco without nicotine. It is possible to start this habit without fear of addiction, and hookahs can also be used to get rid of tobacco.
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